How to Keep your Home Cool without Air Conditioning

Utah home builder vintage fan

Spring is here and that means the weather is going to start heating up. And that usually results in high energy bills or an extremely warm house. But wouldn’t it be great if we could shut off our air conditioning and still keep our homes cool? Well, there are ways that you can actually do this, without running up huge energy bills, which also means you’ll be doing your bit to help the environment.

There are various ways you can keep cool in your home this summer – and spring can be a great time to start planning ahead for those hotter months. All you need are some practical home decorations and cooling home decor.


There are very few fabrics that keep you cooler than linen. And this is a fabric that’s not just for your wardrobe. Linen can used all over your home in place of warmer fabrics, so consider swapping out your winter fabrics for cooler summer ones. Linen is a breathable fabric that is ideal for when the temperatures start to soar.

Give the home decor in your living room a fresh summer look by introducing linen fabrics to your couch. You can go all out by replacing your couch to one crafted with linen fabric but for a less expensive option, you could either have it reupholstered or simply drape over it with linen throws. You can then boost the look by adding linen cushions, either in some bright summer colors or keep it neutral – whatever suits your taste. One room where linen can be particularly beneficial is in the bedroom. Linen sheets and bedding can help to keep you cool while you sleep.

Window Tricks

When your house starts to heat up, the first thing many of us think to do is to open the windows. However, this can have the opposite effect, as the air outside may often be warmer than inside. It’s best to keep your windows closed during the hottest part of the day, and if possible, keep shades or curtains closed. When the temperatures cool in the evening (or early morning), you could then open the windows to let the air in. You can also create a through breeze by placing an electric fan beside the window to suck cold air in from outside and place another fan at another window (facing out) to blow the warmer inside air out.

Keeping plants on your windowsill might also help to channel some of the sun’s rays away from your home, as they can absorb some of them. Plus, plants are fantastic home decorations that can enhance your living space and improve your air quality.

Insulate your Home

Having your home insulated, particularly the roof, can help to provide a barrier against heat entering your home. It’s also beneficial in winter, preventing heat loss through your roof and stopping cold air from entering. Your home builders can usually advise you on this, and offer custom solutions for your home.


Whether it’s your exterior walls or your interior walls, light colors can create a cooler home. White has been used as an exterior wall color for centuries in the Mediterranean, and is still used to this day. Why? Because it keeps the interiors cool in the intense summer heat. So, create an easy breezy look by keeping your colors light and bright and enhance your home decor with some well-chosen home decorations that will help to keep the heat away all summer long.

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